Doll: Instant Noodles with Sesame Oil and Soup Base Stars: * Notes: These were chicken flavor stiff noodles with a bit of sesame oil. Nothing real special.
Hua Feng Noodle Expert: Favoury Pork Flavor Stars: * Notes: Aside from being 'favoury,' this wasn't really all that good. More like 'pork rancid favoury' if you ask me.
Hua Feng Noodle Expert: Spicy Instant Noodles - Spicy Seafood Flavor Stars: *** Notes: This stuff's actually quite different - it comes in a round cake of noodles, and fits quite snugly into the cooking pot. Afte cooking it, it really sucks up water and basically turned into a big bowl of seafood spaghetti! Wasn't too shabby with some roman peasant bread left over from mother's day.
Indomie: Chicken Cup Stars: ** Notes: A little too salty for my taste; was missing some important things like really tasty flavor and seasoning oil. I suppose that's the trade-off when having a small cup-o-noodles style cup. However, one of the coolest things in the ramen industry is the Indomie Folding Fork, which is included. It just folds and snaps into place! Sturdy too. So yes, it's worth it for the fork.
Indomie: Chicken Curry Flavor Stars: **** Notes: Ah now this stuff is classy. First off yes, it tastes like curried chicken. There's oil, cabe [chili powder],fried onions, and bumbu sauce [the powdered base]. Another fine Indomie product to be sure. Best witha couple small pieces of BBQ pork on the side, a fried egg on top and some pickled ginger garnish.
Indomie: Curly Noodles With Grilled Chicken Flavor Stars: ***** Notes: This has to be the penultimate achievement in the ramen producing world. Fist off, these noodles are great; they are flat and curly with an unsurpassed, fine character. The package comes with a myriad of flavorings, including sweet soy, bumbu sauce, seasoned oil, chili powder, and finally, an extra special packet. After boiling the noodles and mixing with the seasonings in a bowl, you add 1/2 a cup of boiling water to this packet and stir - it's a soup base. This stuff is really good - especially when you put two fried eggs on top of the ramen, then pour it over slowly. Fried shallots on top of that with a bit of shedded pickled ginger makes the scene complete. I can't recommend any ramen more than this one. This is top!
Indomie: Fried Noodles Stars:**** Notes: Another one of Indomie's great line of noodles. These are your basic variety of noodles - just plain fried. Best with some form of meat/vegetable garnish.