Doll: Instant Noodles with Sesame Oil and Soup Base
Stars: *
Notes: These were chicken flavor stiff noodles with
a bit of sesame oil. Nothing real special.
Stars: ZERO
Notes: Never thought it possible to give a zero star rating to noodles, but this one gets it for sure.
Sometimes, the noodles I try are almost too hot to eat, but I eat them anyways. However,
these noodles weren't at all palatable; they were horrid. A bowl with a retort pouch and a
sesame oil packet and base. Very nasty, due to the low quality retort pouch innards. I
wouldn't wish this stuff on my worst enemy. Perhaps tasting the food they make prior to allowing it to leave the factory might be a good tip.
Stars: *
Notes: Well, as far as this stuff goes, I can truthfully say NOTHING SPECIAL GPING ON HERE. I really
was hoping I would be able to beat up bad guys and work it like Jackie Chan after eating it, but
this was not even remotely the case. Basically a bowl of chicken flavor noodles. Very much like
your standard Americanized noodles you'd find in a big supermarket.
Stars: 1/2
Notes: This stuff is bad - very bad. Boasting great flavor because of fresh meat and
vegetables [retort pouch], the freshness wasn't there. As with many bowl noodles,
the ramen's quality is overlooked and the retort pouch is added. The pok was
spongy, like wet pork rinds and had a bitter, almopst sour coffee taste.
Stars: ***
Notes: This stuff ain't too bad. Definitely rice noodles. The broth was extremely good - a little spicy, but clear as it purports. Tasted like a celery soup. Did just fine with it even
though I have a severe unrelated gut-ache.
Product Website:
Notes: I don't know why, but the ramen companies that cater to the U.S. customer really dropped the
ball here - there's only one packet and the noodles are of very poor quality. However, this type of ramen's
saving grace is it's ability to be used to make a bastardized version of 'Spaetzel," a Scandinavian dish.
Product Website:
Stars: *** 1/2
Notes: This is some really decent stuff - not a whole lot to it, but definitely tastes like crab and prawn.
The noodles are better than expected too. One note though, it does tend to give me extremely bad
heartburn. I don't like that.
Product Website:
Stars: *
Notes: This stuff is nasty. It does live up to being duck flavored, as it's VERY gamey and really stinks. Will NEVER eat this again.
Product Website:
Stars: *** 1/2
Notes: Just polished it off a minute ago. Not extremely complicated but a very satisfying bowl.
Upon opening the packaging, the consumer is greeted by two small but very clear pouches
of which one contains a mix of chili oil/seasoning oil, and the other a base with
dehydrated meat ad vegetables. After leaving it to steep with some boiling water, the
end product is a bowl full of bright red broth and some really greasy noodles. Wasn't a
really hot bowl; on the contrary, it was very citrussy flavored. But very very greasy. I
aan't begin to describe how greasy it is! A worthy bowl of noodles on it's own.
Stars: **** 1/2
Notes: As I have said before, dropped the ball here - really pedestrian. If you're looking for something
authentic, this isn't it. One thing though - this is the company that originated
ramen! This flavor caught my eye today as I feel under the weather and was
hungry. I threw a good tablespoon or two of minced onion [dehydrated] in it
and was pleasantly surprised. If I had another package of it, I would be hard
not to eat it right this instant. The high marks are earned for the flavor, but as far as adventure, it gets a single star.
Notes: This is an odd one. I have tried quite a few Filipino ramens, but I would have
to say Quickchow is probably the best. This is a rather dry rice noodle ramen. The flavor
is interesting. Only way I know how to describe it.
Product Website:
Notes: A pretty big, pretty good bowl of noodles. Make sure to cook it for extra long as it's not
good stuff, just not the best quality noodle. Dropped a couple eggs into it while cooking -
came out awesome. 2 packets of seasoning, one vegetables and dehydrated meat, one
just soup base.
Product Website:
Notes: Receiving the one and a half stars primarily because of its' bold daring name,
'Smack' is still even in this form not my drug of choice. An American Union
Made noodle through and through. Says it only takes three minutes, but the
noodles were dense and very spiteful. The flavor was a standard, unoriginal
vegetable beef which you'd find in a can of soup. Would only recommend this
brand to those who would just use the noodle for frying with eggs, and still I don't
Think eggs require that much punishment.
Product Website: